Dream not found
Dream not found

Dream had done this before, but it was usually the whole team, never just George. George screamed and tried to push out of the mouth but he knew he couldn't do much. George cringed in disgust as he was dropped in, Dream closing his mouth around the tiny man. He struggled in the larger man's grip, desperately kicking as he was moved above the mouth, he saw a bit of drool dribble down Dream's chin, the sadist not bothering to wipe it off. He watched as the mask was moved up, allowing Dreams mouth to come into view, he watched the corners raise in a terrifying grin, before opening, George was being moved rapidly to the agape maw. He was lifted to eye level, Dream holding back his laugh to a contained snicker, George waited, expecting to be crushed or thrown in the lava, waiting for the horrible feeling of respawning. His breathing was shaky, blood rushed in his ears. The laughing was deafening, disorienting, he looked up, a giant looked down at him, a hand came down, grabbing him and lifting him hundreds of feet into the air, George froze in fear, dropping his sword in favor of holding onto Dream's hand. He shouted, putting his shield up, back against the waves of heat from the lava, his stomach dropped as he saw a massive shoe land in front of him, near making him back into the deadly liquid behind him. Dream's voice sounded much louder, he must be closer, George couldn't take this game anymore. His mind flashed to what the hell effect was going to plague him, cringing as he felt the effects begin, weird pressure started, as if squeezing him, it was hard to breathe, was this poison?.the feeling passed quickly, he looked around, nothing looked like it had really changed. Any hope he was hanging onto dwindled as he saw a splash potion come at him, opening directly onto his armor, getting him fully. He gripped his sword tightly, his blood running cold as he heard that laugh, it sounded even more insane then usual, he wondered what Dream had planned. His heart beat fast, only quickening as he heard a potion being drunk, he spun around, trying to look for Dream using the illumination of the lava. He saw light up ahead, going over he looked into the lava, the bubbling and churning of the bright liquid fascinated him, he heard something above the sound though, just the slightest sound of gravel, usually wouldn't be too suspicious but knowing he was in a cave with Dream, he recognized it, knowing he was probably sneaking up, he tensed, trying to play it off though, not wanting to let the dirty blonde know he had heard him. Yet he couldn't shake that feeling of unease. Once it was close enough he quickly killed it, reasoning what happened was just the spider creeping up on him. His breathing had picked up, his heartbeat calmed as he saw spiders eyes gleam in the dark, hated to say it but he was relieved to see a mob was behind his panic. He switched his torch out for a shield, gripping his diamond sword in the other hand he started backing up, trying to find the cave wall so at least some part of him was protected. He started to continue walking but something made him freeze, an uneasy feeling swept over the brit as he cautiously looked around, hoping it was just a mob. He raised his torch again, though it did nothing to fight the deep dark. He walked deeper, the blackness around him thickening to a suffocating level, humidity had rapidly raised, he tried to keep his breathing even, wiping some sweat off his brow. He started walking, trying to be as quiet as he could in his movement, yet the craggy surface of the stone beneath him tried to trip him and make him known. He pondered as he lazily gazed around, looking for any lime bright sweatshirts or white masks.

Dream not found full#

He was basically a sitting duck, yeah he had full iron and a diamond sword, but would that really help him. He wondered if this was really as good of an idea as the rest of the team thought. He shook his head a bit, holding up his torch in the thick darkness.

dream not found dream not found

George huffed a bit in defeat, remembering the maniacal laughter filling his ears.

dream not found

Hell when they were in the nether not only did he get his blaze rods and his eyes of ender, but he also led the hunters on a wild chase in which half of them died and lost provisions. Of course Dream always managed to flip the tables, always had a trick up his sleeve. Every little sound made George jump, he knew Dream was in this cave, the other hunters had gone off to try and find the end portal, the brit left to keep an eye on the supposed hunted.

Dream not found